Week 29: where I did yoga for the lymphatic system.

It always seems that Kassandra has a yoga video to help with pretty much every challenge that life throws at me, and today is no exception.
My weight loss journey journal week 29 - yoga for lymphatic system
Week 29: Monday 26th July - Sunday 1st August 2021
See more weekly weight loss journey posts here
See key weight loss milestones here
Weight Loss Milestones - My Strongest Self
Summary of the key moments in my weight loss journey, including before and after pictures, and weight loss statistics.
Weight Loss Journal - My Strongest Self
A set of weekly posts, diarising my journey towards losing 20 kilos of weight, through transforming my eating and exercising habits.

I have a full week off from personal training sessions for this coming week. I've got a lot of work to do, so I want some time to just focus on that, without any distractions. I also somehow feel like I need a bit of a break from the training sessions.

A break is good sometimes!

My exercise plan for the week ahead

I'll be making sure I stay active this week though. I'm going to make sure I do those two short daily runs each day this week - one 15 minute run in the morning and another in the evening. I'm planning to do some Yoga With Kassandra core exercises too.

Working towards pull ups

I mentioned a couple of weeks ago how I felt inspired to be able to do full body pull ups. I also mentioned how I'm currently nowhere near being able to do them. A couple of days later I came across this inspiring article about a lady who has started exercising in her 70s. She's reversed all of her health problems and can now do many things - including pull ups.

A new start after 60: ‘I was sick, tired and had lost myself – until I began lifting weights at 71’
Joan Macdonald faced growing health problems before she began lifting weights, shattering preconceptions about what’s possible in your eighth decade

It's amazing what's possible.

It's easy to assume that once you reach the later years of your life, and reach the point of having health problems, it's too late to reverse things. Joan has completely turned that assumption on it's head. If someone can learn to do pull ups in their 70s, then I really have no excuse not to be able to do them in my 30s.

With that in mind I've decided I need to add press ups into my daily routine at home - to help build my arm-strength and get myself closer to being able to do those pull ups in the gym.

The plan

So the plan is, every time I take a five minute break during my working day, to boil the kettle or something, I'll do a few minutes of exercise whilst I'm waiting - either press-ups, core exercises or some stretching.

Feeling sick

Sadly all of my grand plans get off to a slow start this week. On Monday morning I wake up weak and achy, with a swollen feeling on one side of my throat. As much as I want to go out for my morning run, I decide it's probably not a good idea to push my body if I'm unwell.

Instead I start the day with a short 10 minute energising Yoga With Kassandra video, to ease up my aching body and get the energy flowing within me a little more.

It does work.

Whilst I still don't feel great, I definitely have a clearer head and a bit more energy in my body after the yoga stretching. I'm always amazed at the power of yoga to infuse some energy back into my body, regardless of how exhausted, tired, stressed or sleep deprived I may be feeling...

Yoga for the lymphatic system

Despite skipping the running today, I do still manage a few sets of half press ups and press ups throughout the day.

I finish my day with another Yoga With Kassandra video. It always seems that Kassandra has a yoga video to help with pretty much every challenge that life throws at me, and today is no exception. After searching her YouTube channel I find a yoga video for the immune and lymphatic system - hopefully this will help to speed up my recovery and get me back to full energy levels.

Yoga for the lymphatic system:
The idea with Kassandra's Yin Yoga for the Immune System and Lymphatic System video is that we can support our immune system by encouraging the movement of lymphatic fluids in our body. The lymphatic system removes waste and toxins from the body, and if the lymphatic fluids are not flowing well for any reason, we can end up feeling stiff, achy and lacking in energy.

We can encourage the fluids to move by gently stretching out the muscle areas, around the lymph nodes in particular. We can also do lots of inverted poses, again encouraging the lymphatic fluids to flow.

For further info check out this useful article on Yoga International.

Self compassion

It is Friday before I finally feel fully back to normal again - this week really hasn't gone according to plan unfortunately.

I feel quite frustrated with myself for not getting as much done as I would have liked this week - both in terms of work, and exercise. Still, I'm trying to learn to be kinder and more forgiving towards myself - the yoga and positive affirmations are slowly teaching me that. I should focus on celebrating the things that I did manage to get done, despite being ill. I should accept that I was unwell this week and that it was beyond my control. To quote one of my favourite Yoga with Kassandra positive affirmations for self kindness -

"I did my best this week and that's enough."

Weekly food diary

This week I have been eating...


Breakfast: Muesli with oat milk. One cup of black coffee.

Snack: None today.

Lunch: Two scrambled eggs on brown buttered toast, with spinach.

Snack: Two cups of tea, each with a dash of milk. A plain natural yoghurt. A spoonful of grain free granola mix.

Dinner: Mindful Chef's sockeye salmon, hoisin noodles and broccoli.

Snack: A small bowl of muesli with oat milk.


Breakfast: Muesli with oat milk. One cup of black coffee.

Snack: A handful of blueberries.

Lunch: Two scrambled eggs on one piece of buttered brown toast.

Snack: Two cups of tea, each with a dash of milk. A bowl of plain natural yoghurt, with a chopped banana and two spoonfuls of grain free granola mix.

Dinner: One piece of battered cod with new potatoes broccoli and green beans.

Snack: A small bowl of muesli with oat milk.


Breakfast: Muesli with oat milk. One cup of black coffee.

Snack: A handful of blueberries.

Lunch: Two scrambled eggs on one piece of buttered brown toast.

Snack: Two cups of tea, each with a dash of milk. A banana.

Dinner: Mindful Chef's beef hot pot and peas.

Snack: A small bowl of muesli with oat milk.


Breakfast: Muesli with oat milk. One cup of black coffee.

Snack: None today.

Lunch: A small portion of Mindful Chef's beef hot pot and peas (the recipe was so big that there was enough for last night's dinner, tonights dinner and today's lunch!).

Snack: Two cups of tea, each with a dash of milk. A banana.

Dinner: Mindful Chef's beef hot pot and peas.

Snack: A small bowl of muesli with oat milk.


Breakfast: Two pieces of brown buttered toast with marmite. Two or three cups of black coffee throughout the morning.

Snack: A salted caramel dark chocolate bar from KIND® snacks.

Lunch: Two boiled eggs with spinach.

Snack: Two cups of tea, each with a dash of milk. An oatmeal and raisin cookie from Ben's Cookies.

Dinner: Mindful Chef's Flat iron steak with chive and gherkin potato salad.

Snack: A small bowl of muesli with oat milk.


Breakfast: Muesli with oat milk Two or three cups of black coffee throughout the morning.

Snack: None today.

Lunch: Two poached eggs with spinach on one piece of brown, buttered toast.

Snack: A banana. Two cups of tea, each with a dash of milk.

Dinner: Mindful Chef's Flat iron steak with chive and gherkin potato salad.

Snack: A small bowl of muesli with oat milk.


Breakfast: Muesli with oat milk Two cups of black coffee.

Snack:None today.

Lunch:Baked beans, one poached egg and spinach, on one piece of brown, buttered toast.

Snack: Two cups of tea, each with a dash of milk. A banana.

Dinner: Mindful Chef's Chilli, ginger and honey turkey chow mein.

Snack: A small bowl of muesli with oat milk.

Up next: my weight loss journey week 30

Week 30: the stress busting benefits of blowing bubbles.
When I’m stressed, anxious or worried, I find one of the things that helps me the most, is reconnecting with, and seeing the beauty in the simplest of things in life.
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