List of affirmations for money

FREE printable pdf list of money affirmations.
Printable PDF list of 23 money affirmations. Manifest wealth, prosperity and abundance.
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About this printable PDF download

A list of 23 positive affirmations to help you get into the mindset for manifesting money, wealth and abundance in your life.

Abundance is a form of energy. When you align your own energy with the energy of abundance, abundance in all it's forms can flow freely to you!

This printable affirmation list is a part of the positive affirmation lists collection of printables. It is also a part of the free printables collection.

How to use this affirmation list

Use this list of positive affirmations as a starting point for journaling exercises - choose an affirmation from the list and write about how this affirmation makes you feel. Do you believe in the affirmation? Does the affirmation make you feel good when you say it, or do you feel some resistance to the affirmation? If you have resistance, write about why you may feel this way: are there any events in your past which may have shaped the way you feel about this affirmation? Are there any things you could do to feel better about this affirmation?
Use this list of positive affirmations as a starting point for drawing and doodling exercises - choose an affirmation from the list and draw any images, thoughts and ideas that come to mind, relating to this affirmation.
Frame this list of positive affirmations, or pin it to your wall, to inspire and encourage you throughout your day.
Each morning, pick an affirmation from the list and keep it in mind for guidance throughout your day.

List of affirmations for money

A list of the money affirmations included in this PDF download

  1. I am a money magnet.
  2. I am so grateful for all of the wealth and abundance that already exists in my life, in many different forms.
  3. I am generous with what I have. I love to share and help others in any way that I can.
  4. Whatever I give out into the world comes back to me, tenfold.
  5. Money flows into my life with ease and abundance.
  6. My income is constantly increasing.
  7. Money is good for me, and everyone in my life.
  8. I release all of the negative energy and fears I hold over money.
  9. It is OK to desire money and material wealth - money can help me to be a force for good in this world.
  10. It is my birth right to experience all of the good that life has to offer, including material wealth.
  11. The universe is an endless flow of wealth and prosperity. I just need to learn how to tap into it.
  12. I am aligned with the energy of abundance.
  13. Money comes to me in miraculous and unexpected ways.
  14. I am a naturally lucky person.
  15. I know in my heart, that the universe is always looking out for me. I can relax, trusting and knowing that I will always have the money and all of the resources I need, at the times I need them.
  16. There is enough for everyone, including me.
  17. Money really does grow on trees.
  18. I am open to creative new ideas and opportunities for making money.
  19. The more I align with my purpose in life, and all of the things which make me feel truly good within myself, the more naturally money flows to me.
  20. Good fortune always seeks me out.
  21. I concentrate on creating and living the life that I dream of for myself, knowing and trusting that if I do this, then money will simply take care of itself.
  22. I am open and receptive to all of the good fortune and abundance that the universe has to offer.
  23. I release all resistance to money and I now allow it to flow
    joyously into my life.

This list of positive morning affirmations is provided in PDF format and is perfect for printing at home on A4 or US Letter paper.

23 printable money affirmations - download the PDF and print at home.
23 printable money affirmations - download the PDF and print at home.
23 printable money affirmations - download the PDF and print at home.
23 printable money affirmations - download the PDF and print at home.

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