3 months later - before and after weight loss pictures.

3 months have now passed since I started my weight loss journey, so it seems a good time to check in on how much progress I'm making.
3 months weight loss photo - before and after.
Weight Loss Milestones - My Strongest Self
Summary of the key moments in my weight loss journey, including before and after pictures, and weight loss statistics.
Weight Loss Journal - My Strongest Self
A set of weekly posts, diarising my journey towards losing 20 kilos of weight, through transforming my eating and exercising habits.

3 months later

3 months have now passed since I started my weight loss journey, so it seems a good time to check in on how much progress I'm making. I took some pictures of myself during the first week, and have now taken some 3 months later photos.

Weight Loss before and after photos

My weight before I started - January 2021

Weight Loss - before.

Weight loss 3 months later - April 2021

My weight loss pictures - 3 months later.

I'm really happy!

Even after just 12 weeks of eating healthy Mindful Chef meals, doing personal training sessions and exercising regularly, there is a massive difference in how I look. The roll of fat on my back has completely disappeared, my stomach looks a little flatter and I look a lot more healthy.

My favourite change is my back.

Maybe that's a bit strange. Maybe it would be more normal to be concerned about my face, or my stomach. But it is definitely my new back that I'm completely fascinated by!

Here's a final photo showing the change in my back - I really, really love my new back!

My weight loss pictures 3 months later - muscle definition, toned back.

Crunching the numbers

The main two statistics I'm tracking with the Renpho scales app are my weight and my body fat percentage. My weight has decreased by 7.85 kilos since 11th January and my body fat percentage has decreased by 2.6%.

As well as those main ones all of the other statistics are heading in the right direction too:

My 3 month weight loss statistics

Jan April
Weight 77.4kg 69.6kg
Body fat % 37.4% 34.8%
Protein levels % 14% 14.8%
Skeletal muscle 36.5% 38%
Body water percentage % 42.9% 44.8%
Visceral fat 12 9

Up next: my weight loss journey week 13

Week 13: where I stared into a monster’s mouth.
“Ewwwwwgh!!!” I exclaim.” Sorry,” said the monster. “I just don’t want you to think I’m being a wimp.”

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Become your strongest self. Learn to love yourself more every day.

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